Welcome to Winter's Den Studio
I’m Jenny Gale, a designer of handmade artist teddy bears. Each bear is crafted with love using traditional materials, perfect for discerning collectors seeking unique heirloom pieces.
Handmade with Love
Join a workshop to learn the art of teddy bear making. Experience the joy of creating your own professional artist teddy bear in a friendly and inspiring environment.
I have been designing, making and selling my artist bears since 2020. With a creative background in sewing, I have been teaching sewing classes since 2016, so having developed my bear making skills, it felt like a natural progression to offer workshops.
I still teach general sewing classes every week through my partner studio Needleswift, and aim to schedule around five bear workshops each year. I love everything about making bears, but one of my favourite elements is pattern design - I am forever tweaking patterns, and designing new ones, which results in a lovely variety of bears coming to life in my little studio.
Winter's Den
Located in West Sussex, England, Jenny Gale creates heirloom teddy bears and offers workshops in her studio, Winter's Den.
Reach out to Jenny for inquiries about teddy bears and workshops.
Winter's Den
Handmade artist teddy bears for discerning collectors.
© 2024. All rights reserved.